Monday, April 27, 2009

给你 (HER)














Friday, April 17, 2009

没有痛苦的爱情是不完美的 (HER)

April 16 was Him birthday ^^this year is the first time i celebrated Him birthday..
Few weeks ago,i had already started preparing Him birthday present..
although the birthday present i had make are not that elegant but this is the only one in this world ^^i felt very happy as Him told me that he like my present so much.
Muakz ^^ thanks oo laogong

We ald being for 7 months ..During this few months,we had faced many difficulties
that need to overcome together yet he never gives up..He is an optimistic person,always think in the bright side ^^ muakz muakz..laogong,i love you so much..


My First Birthday Present From Her ^^ (Him)

Apr 16 is my 18th birthday ^^ this year's birthday is the happiest birthday I ever have.I have my mom and best friends did many things for me just to celebrate my birthday.They hide on my bed n cover up themselves using blanket to give me surprises in 12am >.< of course that do not include my mom xP.I really glad I have such a good mom and brothers like them.They are Seng,Vince and Pin ^^
This is the cake they bought for my birthday,a lot of cream on it but turn out quite delicious xD
Whereas today Her accompanied me the whole day at Queensbay Mall to celebrate my birthday,she even treated me eat in Canton-I.Although I'm not quite comfortable with Her treating me but well everything have the first time xD This is the food I ordered ^^ quite delicious ler,but I can't remember the name of the food that we both ordered because I have some memory problem and lazy to remember the food's name >.<.Well,I feel not important ler as long as the food taste nice can liao xD Whereas this is Her's.She didn't finish off all the barbeque chicken because she say the chicken have a lot of bones is hard to eat.But i think she lazy ler xP She sure scold me after reading the blog hehe. This is one of the best photo that we take ^^ she is so beautiful right?Im so happy that I have a such beautiful and sexy girlfriend and of course kind hearted too.Hehe for the guys who reading the blog,dun jealous and think to steal o xD wakaka...This is the present she gives me,the photo shown is cover of the present,about the content reader need to imagine yourself ler because is private because only I can see haha xD I love the present so much,thanks o lao po ^^.
Well I think the blog I write is too long ler,I will stop here then.I love you lao po,I will be at your side no matter what happen,JayVon forever o muakz...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy birthday oO Lao Gong ^^ (HER)

To my dearest Lao Gong,

Happy Birthday To You ^^ muakz muakz
May all your wishes come true and have a prosperous year 2009

Jayvon Forever oO Muakz ^^

From Lao Po

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

popular book fair (HER)

虽然 popular fest 已经过了一个星期多了
但是我偶尔也会去回味一下 那十天工作的情形

那十天里 是我过得既高兴又辛苦
高兴的是 我几乎每一天都有得和老公见面 ^^
辛苦的是 偶尔还得被无理的顾客刁难 >.<
但是我并不在乎 只要有得和老公见面 再辛苦 也值得 ^^

我记得 每一个部门的家伙在最后一天时 都显得特别的轻松
不再像前几天工作时 那么的卖力排书
所有的书都堆得像山那么得高了 xD
反正我和老公闲着也没事做 我们就收拾书桌

这就是我和老公的杰作啦 xD


我们到台湾小吃店享用午餐 ^^

Orange 的食物




最后一天咯,当然要拍照留念啊 xD

Friday, April 3, 2009

梦 (HER)

前天晚上 我发了一个梦
梦中 我意外生亡 >.<
我变成了一个灵体 但是老公却不知道

随后 我去见老公
老公还很高兴的 show 我一本书 说是要送给我的
那正是前天我和老公到书局逛逛时 看到的一本书
可是 我并没有把它买下来

结果 当我看到那一本书时

那时的我 哭着对老公说

我发现我的眼睛红红的 眼眶湿湿的
